Monday, 27 June 2016


Right from our childhood, it has been embedded in us by everyone and everything around us that the path to success is to Go to school, Graduate with pretty good grades so that we can a get a GOOD JOB that will set us up for life.


The future continues to look bleak with job cuts, downsizing, retrenchments among others being reported in the news almost everyday. 

It is therefore time for this generation to seize the bull by the horn and step out of the shadows. Yes, being in school is good but since we are not being taught outright how to secure our future financially, then we must always remember that:

As an undergraduate or one who has just finished high school, you have the privilege of being free to do almost anything at any time. Many people in this category however do not realize this opportunity of free time presented before them so they end up misusing or not using it at all. As much as education (your course of study as it were) remains your number one priority as a student, you are not expected to engage in that alone. Ever wondered why peeps on the street(hustlers) seem smarter than students? It's because they are always exploring what's on their 'street'. Many students do not realize that they can also explore their street - campus to see and learn new things from there. And the fun of it is that you can choose to do whatever you feel you can do. Just take that first step.
Now, many of you may not have an understanding of the message I'm trying to pass across just yet but it's simple - Use your time as an undergraduate or high school graduate to develop a skill set for yourself apart from your course of study that will truly make you your own boss. 
Some graduates today are unemployed and still dependent on their parents to provide for them not because they are not qualified for jobs but because they didn't learn something to set them apart while they were in school. On the other hand, some are raking in cash endlessly and are on the path to financial freedom as a result of one or two skill sets they learnt or developed while in school. I'm pretty certain you don't want to fall in that first category. To avoid falling into that category, then you need to do something simple - LEARN SOMETHING NEW AND VALUABLE FOR YOURSELF. To do this however, it is advised that you discover yourself first.
     Pharell Williams the popular musician once said "If you never discover, forever you'll suffer". Who wants to suffer? Absolutely no one! But you will if you're not careful. Everyone has been blessed with something special, now we must find that special thing and put it to use.
After discovering yourself then every other thing comes with ease. You can chose to be a writer like myself if you've got the knack for writing. You can be a professional dancer if that's where your talent lies - Shaffy Kaffy is an example of such a person. You can be a musician if you feel you have what it takes. Who says you can't be a percussionist like my friend Adeoulwa, a graduate of Microbiology from OOU and now CEO AMBIDEXTRALS MUSIC RESOURCE who specialises in training people to be like him. A DJ won't be bad either would it? A footballer or basketballer would not be bad too. Just think of how much John Obi Mikel or Cristiano Ronaldo makes per week. how about LeBron James and Kevin Durrant? You don't even want to think of it

If you lack the natural talent for any of these things, then it's time for you to learn! Nothing is too hard to be learnt, studies have shown that the human brain is designed to assimilate about 10MB of information per second. Isn't that sensational?! You really don't have any excuse not to learn more
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" - Nelson Mandela
"You ca never be overdressed or over educated" - Oscar Wilde. 
These great men are simply telling you to continue learning, and if you notice they didn't mention formal education.So if you want to change your world,your status for better, you just have to keep learning. You can therefore learn tailoring, bead making, learn to speak a new language, learn to do anything as long as it is something that can earn you an income and is legitimate. Don't forget, school is very good it is however proving not to be enough.
With each passing day, people(graduates and undergraduates) are beginning to realize that having a different skill set from their course of study in college is the key to ending poverty and wretchedness in this nation because judging by our present economical state, THERE IS NO FUTURE IN TOMORROW UNLESS YOU ARE READY TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

If you don't want to be crippled by the economy;
If you wish to be your own boss;
If you want to earn that extra cash apart from your salary;
If you want to be creative and innovative, 
Then go ahead to learn that new skill, don't think of the few bucks it may cost you - cos it will surely pay its dividends. 



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