Eating banana is good. Many of us eat banana for pleasure and like it for its exceptionally sweet taste. What many don't know is that eating a banana each day can help keep the doctor away. Banana contains an awful lot of vitamins and nutrients that are highly beneficial to mankind.
Some of the nutrients contained in bananas include vitamins A,C and B6, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, potassium, natural sugars among others.
Below are the top health benefits of eating banana
1. Helps people with ulcer
Bananas help to neutralize acidic foods that can contribute to the formation of ulcers. Also bananas contain protease inhibitors that can help to eliminate bacteria in the stomach, which is one of the main causes of stomach ulcers.
2. Lowers risk of heart disease and hypertension
Bananas are rich in potassium, an essential mineral electrolyte for the heart. Potassium helps the circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain. Potassium also helps maintain a regular heartbeat and water balance. All these keeps our heart healthy. Potassium also lessen the effect of sodium thereby lowering the risk of hypertension which may be caused by high salt intake.
3. Regulates bowel movements
Bananas contain an ample amount of insoluble fiber that travels through the digestive tract, sweeping up waste and producing bowel movements that are soft and easy to pass. It should be noted that too much banana must not be taken to serve this purpose without water as that may lead to constipation.
4. Prevents/Treats Anaemia
Bananas are a good source of iron for people suffering from anaemia. Iron deficiency is a common characteristic of anemia and eating banana regularly can help replenish the iron.
5. Provides natural energy
Bananas have a blend of three natural sugars: glucose, fructose and sucrose whose combination gives huge energy potential. Bananas contain both simple and complex carbohydrates that will give you quick energy and energy that can be stored for later use respectively.
6. Relieves menstrual cramps
You must have heard that you should eat a banana after exercising to prevent muscle cramps. I'm happy to tell you ladies that the same thing is applicable for menstrual cramps. Eat banana before or during your cycle to prevent cramps and bloating.
7. Reduce/Heals itchy mosquito bites
Itchy mosquito bites can be treated with banana peels. All you need do is rub the inside of the banana peels on the spot where you got bitten for about five to ten minutes and you're good to go. This simple remedy works better than some creams and medications.
8. Promotes eye health
Bananas contain vitamin A, a very important vitamin for vision. An adequate daily intake of vitamin A reduces the risk of night blindness and other eye related disorders. Vitamin A also acts as an anti-oxidant (specifically Beta-carotene) which helps protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals
9. Helps reduce weight
To our obese friends who want to lose some weight, bananas are the perfect food for you. Bananas are low in fat but high in fiber and vitamins. The fiber in bananas absorb water and take up a lot of space in your stomach thus making you feel full for a longer period of time. Bananas also enhance metabolism due to their high vitamin content.
10. Boosts brain power and help manage depression
Personally, i find this particular benefit of banana to mankind to be the most astounding. I was swept of my feet when i discovered this and truthfully, I'm still very amazed.
The nutrients in banana can be used by the brain to aid its proper neurological and cognitive functioning . As stated earlier, bananas are an excellent source of potassium which helps deliver oxygen to the brain to keep the mind sharp. Magnesium contained in bananas can be used by the brain to promote proper electrical activity between nerve cells within the brain. The magnesium also helps to get rid of waste products of protein metabolism - ammonia. By reducing the brain's ammonia concentration, the ability to focus has been reported to improve.
Bananas are great for improving mood. Bananas provide the amino acids TYROSINE and TRYPTOPHAN which are precursors to the mood - regulating neurotransmitters SEROTONIN and DOPAMINE which are known to help you relax,improve your mood and make you feel happier thereby preventing depression.
Again, the brain uses magnesium to offset stress. I hope you still remember that bananas have magnesium in abundance.
Furthermore, when suffering from insomnia due to depression, you can eat banana before going to bed as the tryptophan contained in it can help you sleep better.
Ask yourself, are all of these benefits of eating banana not too good to pass up? It's time for you to add bananas to your list of "daily manna" and improve your own health.